
MISC Executive

Learn about the council members who represent MI students on committees and and councils within the Faculty of Information and the University of Toronto

Various council members represent MI students on committees and councils within the Faculty of Information and the University of Toronto.

Want to get involved? Take a look at our current council members to see what kind of positions are available. We hold elections in the Fall for first year positions, and Spring for Upper Year positions. Make sure to check our social media and MISC newsletter for updates on how to get involved!

Representatives (2021-22)

Faculty Council

Usman Malik

Faculty Council Representative

Risa de Rege

Faculty Council Representative

Faculty of Information Alumni Association (FIAA)

Harpriya Kaur Sodhi

Alumni Association Representative

International Students


Emily Ing


Tech Fund

Jakub Stach

Tech Fund Representative, Upper-Year

Ishani Pandey

Tech Fund Representative, First-Year


Tech Fund Representative, Upper-Year

University of Toronto Graduate Student Union (UTGSU)


UTGSU Representative

MISC Council (2020-21)