Survey Committee Co-Chair, Upper Year: Luna Hu

Luna is currently in her upper year with a concentration in Information Systems and Design (ISD). She obtained her Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree from Brock University, majoring in Biomedical Sciences.

As a member of MISC, she would like to continue the growth of the MISC. She will begin working to improve all aspects of campus life at ishcool, such as diversity and inclusion, transparency among students as a whole, and fostering collaborative environments. Academics aside, she enjoys working with incoming students as a peer mentor to assist them in their transition to Graduate studies while also getting to know the fantastic people that form our community! She is looking forward to an exciting year and networking with the many great organizations that ischool has to offer.


Survey Committee Co-Chair

The Survey Committee is led by the Upper Year and First Year Survey Committee Co-Chairs and works to gauge the overall student experience at the iSchool through student-run surveys and data collection. The data generated helps MISC understand the focus of its students’ needs. The Committee’s main initiative is the MISC Student Experience Survey, which gauges MISC’s performance as well as overall student satisfaction in the Faculty of Information. The Co-Chairs are responsible for presenting the data in a timely manner after the Survey has been conducted and publishing a summary of the data online. The Committee also works with other Council Members as needed to take other surveys of the student body as needed.