MISCellaneous – September 19, 2017

  1. MISC Fall Elections
  2. iSchool Clubs and Associations Showcase
  3. The iJournal: Call for Submissions
  4. iSchool Book Club Meeting #9: Bird Box by Josh Malerman
  5. Semaphore Studio307
  6. President’s Memorandum

  1. MISC Fall Elections




Running for MISC is your opportunity to get involved, make a difference and have your voice heard on student issues. You will develop new skills in advocacy, community work, event planing, budgeting, and more. It is a great opportunity to make connections with future leaders in the information profession.


Nomination Period: September 18 – September 30

Voting Period: October 1-7


First Year Positions Available:

Vice-President, Tech Fund Representative, Professional Development Co-Chair, Academic Affairs Officer, Social Committee Representative

Other Positions Available:

Secretary, Treasurer, Graduate Student Union Representative, Multiple Faculty Council Representatives


For further information and nomination forms, please visit: http://uoft.me/votemisc 

If you have any questions about the elections procedure, please email the CRO for this election, Lauree Sawatzky, at lauree.sawatzky@mail.utoronto.ca.

We will have a booth at the Clubs Showcase later this week if you’d like to to talk to the President and any other attending members in person, and you can join our slack with your uToronto email address at http://misc-ischool.slack.com.

  1. iSchool Clubs and Associations Showcase

Event date: Wednesday September 20, 2017, 4:30 PM-6:30 PM

Location: BL728


Come join us for the iSchool Clubs and Associations Showcase! Discover the many initiatives your fellow students are engaged with which can help you develop career options, explore developing interests, become involved with the iSchool community, find new friends, and have fun! If you need further incentive there will be plenty of free food to supplement your Grad student diet.


Hope to see you there! Those with questions or ideas for new clubs should contact MISC Professional Development Committee Chair, Sharly Chan, at sharly.chan@mail.utoronto.ca.

  1. The iJournal: Call for Submissions

Deadline: October 1, 2017


The iJournal is a peer-reviewed publication run by graduate students at the Faculty of Information. We are currently seeking content for our Fall 2017 issue. No matter what your program or concentration, this is an excellent opportunity to share your work with the iSchool community and add a publication to your CV. We are accepting a wide variety of submission formats, including essays, research reports, design reports, case studies, empirical studies, literature reviews, software and system evaluations, book reviews, and other exemplary student work.


To view our submission guidelines and submit your work, please visit our website: www.theijournal.ca. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our editor at xiao.cheng@mail.utoronto.ca.


  1. iSchool Book Club Meeting #9: Bird Box by Josh Malerman

Event date: Tuesday October 3, 2017 4:00 PM

Location: Student Lounge (BL 705)

If you like reading and discussing books, come check out the iSchool Book Club! Our next meeting is on Tuesday October 3 at 4:00 PM in the student lounge (BL705). We will be discussing Bird Box by Josh Malerman.


As always, anyone is welcome to come! We begin each meeting by discussing books in general, exchanging recommendations, and catching up on what we’ve all been reading (or not reading), before moving on to our discussion of the official book for the month. We’re always happy to have new attendees!


  1. Semaphore Studio307

Location: Semaphore Studio307, BL307

Link: http://studio307.github.io/


Studio307 is a student-run studio workspace within the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. It’s located in Rm 307 of the Claude T. Bissell Building (140 St. George Street) and supported by Semaphore, TechFund, the Inforum and student volunteers and staff. For a list of available equipment, please see: http://studio307.github.io/equipment.html


The space is open to students starting Thursday, 15 September from 12-5 PM.

Open hours are:

Mon: 12-5

Tue: 4-7

Wed: 12-5

Thu: 11-3


Come out and create things! If you have questions, email Maddy and Ali at semaphorestudio307@gmail.com.


  1. President’s Memorandum


Welcome to our incoming class and welcome back to our upper year students. I hope you had a great first week of classes, and a wonderful summer.


For those of you who came out to our Orientation BBQ and Pub Night, thank you! I hope you had a great time. Thanks as well to Clara Luca and Charlotte Kidd, our lovely Social Committee Co-Chairs, who put all of this togther!


Additionally, I wanted to let you know that the nomination period for MISC’s fall elections begins next week. Being involved with MISC is a great way to practice decision-making, collaboration, and event planning, among many other skills required to ensure that the interests of MI students are met on a professional, academic, and even social level. Feel free to chat with me if you see me around, email me at misc@utoronto.ca, or stop by our booth at Clubs Day if you have further questions about MISC and/or any of the vacant positions.


I look forward to meeting many more of you around the iSchool this week. If you would like to add a submit to MISCellaneous, please contact me at misc@utoronto.ca.



Master of Information Student Council

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