MISCellaneous – October 2, 2017

  1. MISC Fall Elections – Time to Vote
  2. Join Librarians Without Borders
  3. iSchool Book Club Meeting #9: Bird Box by Josh Malerman – tomorrow!
  4. Semaphore Studio307 presents TRY THIS: Arduino
  5. Special Librarians Association (SLA) Student Group Toronto is looking for Executive Members!

  1. MISC Fall Elections – Time to Vote

Deadline: Saturday October 7, 2017 11.59 PM

Website link: voting.utoronto.ca


Voting period for the MISC Fall Elections is now open! Choose who will best represent your interests to the Graduate Student Union and the Faculty. Winning candidates will be notified Sunday October 8, and results will be announced in the next MISCellaneous on Tuesday October 10.


To vote, please login in with your UTORid and password at voting.utoronto.ca. If you have any questions about the election procedure, please email MISC CRO, Lauree Sawatzky at lauree.sawatzky@mail.utoronto.ca.


If you missed the nomination period but are still interested in being a member of student council, send an e-mail to Amber at misc@utoronto.ca. The following positions still need to be filled and look great on your resume: Treasurer, 6-10 Faculty Council Representatives


For further information on these positions visit: http://uoft.me/votemisc

  1. Join Librarians Without Borders

Deadline: October 4, 2017, at 11:59PM


Join Librarians Without Borders!


Librarians Without Borders, University of Toronto Chapter is accepting applications to our executive board! Come be a part of a fun and meaningful student group! The following positions are open:

First Year Co-Chair (1)

Treasurer (1)

Executive Board Members (5)


To apply, please send us an email with a bit about yourself and why you are interested in being a part of Librarians Without Borders! We also welcome any questions about us or the positions! Applications are due by October 4th and should be submitted to librarianswb.uoft@gmail.com.


  1. iSchool Book Club Meeting #9: Bird Box by Josh Malerman – tomorrow!

Event date: Tuesday October 3, 2017 4:00 PM

Location: Student Lounge (BL 705)
Site: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ischoolbookclub/

If you like reading and discussing books, come check out the iSchool Book Club! Our next meeting is on Tuesday October 3 at 4:00 PM in the student lounge (BL705). We will be discussing Bird Box by Josh Malerman.


As always, anyone is welcome to come! We begin each meeting by discussing books in general, exchanging recommendations, and catching up on what we’ve all been reading (or not reading), before moving on to our discussion of the official book for the month. We’re always happy to have new attendees!


  1. Semaphore Studio307 presents TRY THIS: Arduino

Event date: Mondays, 12:15-2pm

Location: BL 307


Join us Mondays in Studio 307, between 12:15 and 2:00, and learn how to set up a simple circuit and program a board using the Arduino software.


Arduino Club is an open, drop-in session focused on learning to program Arduinos. Each week, we’ll try a different project from the Arduino Projects Book, but feel free to bring your own projects as well. In other words, bring your current projects or drop in and try for the first time.


Everyone interested is welcome. You do not need your own Arduino, there are extras in the space. Bring a laptop if you’ve got one or borrow a newer Mac or Dell laptop from the Inforum (which have the Arduino software installed). For more information, please email semaphorestudio307@gmail.com.

  1. Special Librarians Association (SLA) Student Group Toronto is looking for Executive Members! 

Deadline: October 11, 2017, at 11:59PM

Contact: sla.tsg.1@gmail.com


The Special Libraries Association Toronto Student Group is looking for energetic and organized students to be part of the executive team.  The SLA-TSG is generally responsible for providing events, activities and services that connect students at the iSchool with the Special Libraries professional community.  Our events and activities enrich the student experience, promote the benefits of association participation, and provide opportunities for professional skills development and networking.


Available positions are:

– Co-Chairs (2 positions) to help plan tours and professional development events and chair SLA TSG meetings

– First year Co-Chairs (2 positions) to assist co-chairs and other executive members as needed


If interested, please e-mail us at sla.tsg.1@gmail.com with a short statement of interest (200-300 words) indicating your position of choice. Questions are welcome!


Applications are due by October 11th.

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