MISCellaneous #41 – January 21-January 27, 2019

  1. MISC – Employer Showcase – January 24
  2. Student Conference – IM Conference Call for Proposals
  3. McLuhan Centre – Newsletter Sign-Up
  4. AMIA – Film Cataloguing Workshop and AV Garage Sale
  5. MISC – Student Satisfaction Survey Winter 2019
  6. Yoga in the Inforum

MISCellaneous – January 23

MISCellaneous is the Masters of Information student newsletter.


  1.  MISC – Employer Showcase – January 24

You’re invited to the University of Toronto Faculty of Information’s 14th annual career networking event on January 24th,  2019 from 10:30-5:30 pm.

Get your ticket here:


The Annual Employee Showcase Networking Event is designed to connect the Faculty’s next generation of information professionals to employers from across information fields, offering a platform for both emerging professionals and employers to demonstrate their skills and strengths. The event is intended to introduce attendees to new people and ideas, foster conversations and learning opportunities and provide a chance for students and employers alike to showcase their work and talent. While some employers may have jobs posted, the format is designed to promote exchanges and relationships between emerging and established information professionals and their organizations.

Career Networking Format: Unlike previous years this event will run from 10:30-5:30 where employers can choose to stay for a portion or the entirety of the day. However, we still encourage organizations and students to move away from tables to make use of the Inforum space to enjoy some food and mingle with organizations and students to have more informal conversations.

LinkedIn Photos: We are very happy to have Dhoui Chang, who will be offering free professional headshots for LinkedIn to all attendees. Be sure to take advantage of this awesome opportunity to professionalize your profile and take advantage of a service that typically has high costs.



  1. Student Conference – IM Conference Call for Proposals

The IM Conference is an annual event that engages students, faculty, alumni, and professionals. It provides students a platform to share their research with a broad community of peers. IM Conference 2019 will be hosted at the Faculty of Information, April 15th & 16th.

This year’s theme is Community Knowledge: Shared Practices of Sense-Making, Communication, & Collaboration.

Calling for proposals from students of the MI, CRO, Co-op, and MMSt for presentations that reflect on communities of practice in the Library, Archive, Museum, or more broadly in the use, design, or development of an information & communication system.

Submit your proposal via Google Form: https://goo.gl/mUs6aQ

Deadline: Wednesday February 20, 11:59pm


  1. McLuhan Centre – Newsletter Sign-Up

The McLuhan Centre for Culture and Technology is starting a newsletter for events, salons, and updates. Students are invited to sign-up: http://eepurl.com/gaNLWr


  1. AMIA – Film Cataloguing Workshop and AV Garage Sale

Film Cataloging Workshop

Interested in working in a film archives but unfamiliar with the format? Join AMIA@UofT for a film cataloguing workshop led by Assistant Media Archivist Christina Stewart from the Media Commons! Enjoy a hands-on workshop where we’ll learn what to look for when cataloguing film and examine different samples as examples.

Two dates available: February 5th or February 12th from 4-6pm (only register for one of the dates): https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/amiauoft-film-cataloguing-workshop-tickets-54669627327

AV Garage Sale

Come help support AMIA@UofT at our 2nd AV Garage Sale, this time in Innis College lobby from 12:30-6pm on February 6, 2019!

We have DVDs, we have movie posters, we have music, we have VHS cassettes, we even have some disc players. New and used movies in a variety of formats.
Our prices are low, and there are lots of bargains.

Funds raised help us organize more hands-on workshops and events for fellow iSchool students interested in Library and Archives (and any others who just have a love for archival film).


  1. MISC Student Satisfaction Survey – Winter 2019

Happy 2019!


The Survey Group of the Master of Information Student Council is aiming to assess MISC’s performance representing student issues and the overall student satisfaction at the Faculty of Information. We invite you to fill out this Google Forms survey to let us know how we can improve as your representatives. This questionnaire has 7 questions, and should only take 3-5 minutes to complete.


Thank you for participating, your feedback helps us identify how we can better support the MI student body.




  1. Yoga in the Inforum

We are pleased to relay that the Inforum, MISC, and MUSSA have partnered to offer yoga drop-in sessions throughout this term.  Chelsea Humphries, MI student and a Certified Yoga teacher, cced, will be facilitating these sessions in room 507 on the following days at the following times:


Wednesday, January 16, 12:20 to12:45

Wednesday, February 13, 12:20 to12:45

Wednesday, March 13, 12:20 to12:45

Wednesday, April 3, 12:20 to12:45

Wednesday, April 10, 12:20 to12:45



Room Bookings

Does your group need a place to hold a meeting? MISC manages bookings of the student lounge on the 7th floor. Please fill out this form to confirm a time.

Posting in MISCellaneous

Want to include an update in our next issue? See this form for more information.