1. ACA – Tour of CBC Library and Mass Digitization project
2. AMIA – AV Garage Sale – November 21
3. Graduate Students’ Union – Funding Opportunities
4. Graduate Student Union – Annual General Meeting
5. iStudents for Mental Health – Study Music Listening & Study Session
6. Film Club Over Here – Canada Comics Open Library Launch
MISCellaneous is the Masters of Information student newsletter.
1. ACA – Tour of CBC Library and Mass Digitization Project
The Special Libraries Association (Toronto Student Group) and the Association of Canadian Archivists (University of Toronto Student Chapter), are pleased to announce a unique and highly anticipated tour of the CBC Library and Mass Digitization project on November 23, 2018 (1-3 pm). This tour will enable visitors to learn about media cataloguing, library access, and crucial role of this CBC Library within Toronto and the wider film community. Registered visitors are asked to arrive at least ten minutes prior to the tour’s commencement, at the Security Desk on the first floor of the CBC Toronto Broadcasting Centre. Please note that this tour is accessible-friendly. Following the completion of the tour, visitors and friends are invited to an informal pub night at the East of Brunswick Pub (720 Spadina Avenue, Unit 111). For more information and registration, please check out our Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/tour-of-the-cbc-library-and-mass-digitization-project-tickets-51621439114
2. AMIA – AV Garage Sale – November 21
Come out to AMIA @ UofT’s AV garage sale on November 21st from 9am-5pm in the Bissell lobby!
We’re currently accepting donations of AV or related material, such as VHS tapes, DVDs, vinyl, and books on AV topics. If you have anything to donate, email us at amiaatuoft@gmail.com
3. Graduate Students’ Union Funding Opportunities
Planning to attend a conference this year? Apply for the GSU Conference Bursary for a chance to win $250 worth of financial assistance toward conference expenses. Applications open November 1st, 2018. For more info, please see:
Also, in partnership with SGS, the GSU is offering merit-based equity awards recognizing exceptional students on campus for their contributions to the graduate student experience. If you have contributed to improving your U of T community, consider applying for the Graduate Community Development Fund! Applications are available now until November 25, 2018. For more info, please see https://www.utgsu.ca/gcdf
4. GSU – Graduate Student Union Annual General Meeting
Meet graduate students from all different faculties and departments at the GSU Annual General Meeting. While MISC represents MI students on the GSU council year-round, this is your opportunity to see the action, pass motions and meet fellow grad students from all over U of T. Join us after the meeting at the GSU pub for drinks and snacks. The meeting will be held on Monday, December 3rd. Location TBD.
UTGSU members can submit proposals for consideration and discuss important union matters such as finances, campaigns, and the direction of the union. To submit an item to be considered on the agenda please submit all proposals or any questions to David Eaton, the Executive Director at executivedirector@utgsu.ca. Deadline to submit items is November 19th, 2018.
For more details, please visit https://www.utgsu.ca/agm/
5. iStudents for Mental Health – Study Music Listening & Study Session
Join your fellow Information students working on projects at the Study Music Listening & Study session this Friday November 19, 5pm – 7pm, Room 728.
Soft Jazz and music requests. Fruit, tea, and pizza
See you there!
6. Film Club Over Here – Canada Comics Open Library Launch
Location: 519 Church Street, Room 106
Date/Time: Saturday Nov 24, 11AM – 4PM
Join Film Club over here at the launch of Canada Comics Open Library, a non-profit organization aimed to provide an inclusive, educational, and recreational public space to showcase the work of emerging comics artists and collaborate with diverse comics communities. https://www.canadacomicsol.org/
Canada Comics Open Library (CCOL) is a unique, innovative, and promising venture founded by Alumni of our Information School, friends of Film Club over here. So proud of their work on this :’]
CCOL has developed a unique cataloguing and display system for their growing collection, to enable electronic browsability, accessibility of information design, and to showcase the narrative and stylistic diversity within comics (ranging queer-comics, life-narratives, mental health, historical, speculative..and more!). As the organization grows, they are looking for volunteers (and some directors) to join the team in roles including: Comics librarian, circulation and reference services on location, public outreach, copy-editing, blog-writing, grant-writing…and more!
The Canada Comics Open Library launch event will include a panel of prominent and diverse voices in comics, and workshops hosted by local comics artists. A pop-up library featuring the full Canada Comics Open Library collection will run throughout the event!
Looking forward to it
seEe yoU there!
Room Bookings
Does your group need a place to hold a meeting? MISC manages bookings of the student lounge on the 7th floor. Please fill out this form to confirm a time.
Posting in MISCellaneous
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