- MISC Fall Elections Update
- ACM Executive Info Session
- Librarians Without Borders First Meeting
- Association of Canadian Archivists Student Chapter – Recruitment
- MISC Fall Elections Update
The MISC Fall elections has officially come to a close. Thank you to all the nominees and for all those that voted. Stay tuned for results to be announced in MISCellaneous next Monday!
- ACM Executive Info Session
Requester: ACM Student Chapter (uoftacm@gmail.com)
Event date: Tuesday October 4, 2016 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Location: BL520
Announcement link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/acm-executive-info-session-tickets-28012695727
Website link: https://www.facebook.com/uoftacm/info/?entry_point=page_nav_about_item&tab=overview
Come to ACM’s Executive Info Session to learn about vacant positions and how to get involved. As an Exec member of ACM, you’ll have the opportunity to build networks with colleagues, and develop leadership, project management, technical skills, and more! Positions include: Event Leads Communications & Social Media Officers Financial Officers Web Team Our team is also open to growing our position listings, so if you have an interest that isn’t listed, please don’t hesitate to attend the event and let us know. MI and MMst students from all concentrations are welcome and encouraged to attend. Pop and juice will be provided.
- Librarians Without Borders First Meeting
Event date: Wednesday October 5, 2016 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Librarians Without Borders, University of Toronto Student Chapter is holding its first meeting! We will be voting on our executive positions during this meeting and discussing the years events. If you are interested in becoming a member, or are just curious about what we stand for, drop in! All concentrations are welcome! For more information please email us at librarianswb.uoft@gmail.com
- Association of Canadian Archivists Student Chapter – Recruitment
Deadline: Friday October 14, 2016
Website link: https://www.facebook.com/ACAUofT/
The University of Toronto Student Chapter of the Association of Canadian Archivists is looking to fill the following executive positions: First Year Representative, Internal Affairs Representative, ACA-AMIA Representative, and Fundraising Representative. Students from all concentrations are encouraged to join. These positions are a relatively small time commitment and are a great way to network with current and future professionals in the field. Applications for these positions should be emailed to aca.uoft@gmail.com by October 14th. Applications should include a brief introduction about themselves and why they would like to contribute to ACA.
Chelsea Misquith
President, 2016-2017
Master of Information Student Council