- MISC MHWG Coffee Time
- Vote for MISC’s Spring Elections and Annual Instructor Award!
- Student Initiatives Funding Deadline
- iJournal Launch Party
- AMIA Elections
- President’s Memorandum
- MISC MHWG Coffee Time
Event date: Wednesday March 29, 2017 4:00 PM (ish)
Location: Inforum, 4th floor
MISC’s Mental Health Working Group has a mini surprise for those studying at the Inforum at the date/time mentioned above. Keep an eye out 😉
- Vote for MISC’s Spring Elections and Annual Instructor Award!
Website Link: voting.utoronto.ca
Voting Period for Spring Elections: March 28 – April 1
Voting Period for Instructor Award: March 27 – March 31
If you have any questions about the elections procedure, please email MISC Secretary and CRO for the elections, Sari Gutman, at sari.gutman@mail.utoronto.ca.
3.Student Initiatives Funding Deadline
April 10 is the deadline for students and clubs to submit requests for funding for events and initiatives. You can find more information at http://misc.ischool.utoronto.ca/funding or contact MISC’s Treasurer, Tristan Smyth, at tristan.smyth@mail.utoronto.ca.
- The iJournal Launch Party
Event date: Thursday March 30, 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Location: Student Lounge (Rm 705)
Join us for the launch of the iJournal’s Spring issue! Come learn about student work across the iSchool while celebrating with our editorial board, authors and faculty. Light snacks will be served. We hope to see you there!
5. AMIA Elections
Event deadline: Monday April 10, 2017 5:00 PM
Website link: https://www.facebook.com/amiaatuoft/
The Association of Moving Image Archivists is looking for students to join their 2017/2018 executive team. Our chapter works to organize a variety of professional and social events to raise awareness about moving image preservation. We are looking for a President, Vice Pres, Treasurer, Secretary, and Social Media executive. If you want to get involved and learn more about moving image archives (no prior knowledge needed to join!) email us at amiaatuoft@gmail.com.
- President’s Memorandum
Voting period for MISC’s Spring Elections officially begins tomorrow! Cast a vote for the candidate you feel best represents the interests of yourself and other MI students. Log on to voting.utoronto.ca with your UTORid and password before Saturday, April 1st at midnight. You can also vote for nominees for MISC’s Annual Instructor Award from today, March 27th – Friday, March 31st, 2017.
Good luck with the tail end of your semester! Only a few more weeks before we’re officially done with the year (woohoo!)…just need to finish up a few exams and assignments first 🙁
See you around Bissell,
Master of Information Student Council