MISCellaneous #27 – September 24-September 30, 2018

  1. Join the Master of Information Student Council – Fall Election Nominations are now open!
  2. iStudents for Mental Health: iTea Wellness Workshop hosted by Health & Wellness Outreach
  3. FiLM CLub screening: Flatland, La Jetée, Mad Dance, Ways of Seeing

1. Join the Master of Information Student Council – Fall Election Nominations are now open!

Nominations available via Google Form

Contact MISC with any questions or concerns

We are pleased to open nominations for MISC’s 2018 fall elections! Apply using the Google Form above to potentially receive one of the following positions and improve your resume for summer job hunting. You can self-nominate, or submit any other student you think would support MISC initiatives.

Positions Available


The Vice-President must be a first year student elected in September for a full year, and attends and contributes to all MISC meetings. They also automatically fill one of the Faculty Council Representative positions as well as one of the GSU Representative positions. They may  act as the Presidents’ designate where required, such as acting as chair of meetings of the Executive Committee in the President’s absence. The Vice President generally assists the President throughout the year in various ways as necessary.

First-Year Professional Development Chair: The chair is responsible for planning professional development events with their first year assistant, including various resume and job-interview clinics and services. The Professional Development Committee’s largest effort is the annual Employer Showcase, typically held in January.

First Year Academic Affairs Officer: The officer sits on faculty council, the programs committee, and serves as a point of contact for students facing academic or curricular issues.

Upper Year Tech Fund Rep (1): The Tech Fund Representative attends monthly Tech Fund and MISC meetings. They must hold one of the following positions on the Tech Fund committee: Finance Liaison, IT Liaison, Student Liaison, Chairperson, or Secretary. Duties take about 6 hours per month.

First Year Tech Fund Representative (1): The First Year Tech Fund Representative attends monthly Tech Fund and MISC meetings. They must be a first year student and hold one of the following positions on the Tech Fund committee: Finance Liaison, IT Liaison, Student Liaison, Chairperson, or Secretary. Duties take about 6 hours per month.

Graduate Student Union Rep (1): This representative sits attends monthly Graduate Student Union meetings and relays information, events, initiatives and opportunities to MISC. The GSU is the largest student decision-making body at the School of Graduate Studies at U of T.  Duties take about 6 hours per month.

Alumni Association Representative: The Alumni Association Representative serves as a liaison between MISC and the Faculty of Information Alumni Association (FIAA), attending all meetings to keep both councils updated and assisting with any joint events and activities.

Master’s Recruitment and Admissions Committee (MRAC) Representative: The MRAC Representative sits on the Master’s Recruitment and Admissions Committee, and the iSchool Communications Committee. The MRAC Representative is required to attend MISC meetings and provides updates from these two committees. Meetings for MRAC are held once per semester, and meetings for the communications committee are held once per month. The representative can expect to dedicate 4 hours per month to this position.

Faculty Council Representatives: The students elected to the position Faculty Council Representative serve to create a student presence at the Faculty Council meetings. They are allowed to speak at meetings (and are encouraged to do so) and are each allotted one vote on the Faculty Council.

The Faculty Council for the Faculty of Information normally meets once each semester and is the governing body responsible for all academic affairs of the Faculty, including determining academic policies, determining the content and requirements of the degree and diploma programs.

These representatives report back to the students and the MISC at the MISC meetings, allowing the greater student body and council members to understand the decision process of the Faculty as well as gather student feedback to be voice at future Faculty Council meetings.
Voting will take place during early October, so stay tuned for the final announcement!

2. iStudents for Mental Health: iTea Wellness Workshop hosted by Health & Wellness Outreach

Date: Wednesday Sept 26 @ 4:30 – 5:30PM
Location: Inforum
Snacks provided

Join us in conversation on maintaining balance, mindfulness, and wellness in life as a grad student at UofT.

For a review of an earlier version of this workshop ‘Five Way to Well-being’, offered last year through Grad Life Connections Forum.

3. FiLM CLub screening: Flatland, La Jetée, Mad Dance, Ways of Seeing

  1. Date: Friday September 28 @ 7 – 9:30PM
    Location: Student Lounge (BL 705)

    Four short films on iMages, pErspective, and pSychology.

    Film descriptions, see www.FilmClubOverHere.wordpress.com
    Or the FiLM CLub’s Facebook page.