MISCellaneous – 26 September, 2016

  1. MISC Fall Elections – Voting
  2. iSchool Student Conference
  3. The iJournal: Call for Submissions
  4. Librarians Without Borders University of Toronto Chapter – Recruitment
  5. ACM Executive Info Session
  6. Arduino Club at Studio307
  7. President’s Memorandum

  1. MISC Fall Elections – Voting 

Deadline: Saturday October 1, 2016 11.59 PM

Website link: uoft.me/votemisc

Voting period for the MISC Fall Elections is now open! Choose who will best represent your interests to the Graduate Student Union and the Faculty. Voting opens Monday, September 26 at 12:01 am and will run until Saturday, October 1 at 11:59 pm. Results will be announced on Wednesday October 5, 2016.

To vote, please login in with your UTORid and password at voting.utoronto.ca. If you have any questions about the election procedure, please email MISC Secretary and CRO, Sari Gutman, at sari.gutman@mail.utoronto.ca.

  1. iSchool Student Conference

Deadline: Friday September 30, 2016

Website link: https://www.facebook.com/Faculty-of-Information-Student-Conference-University-of-Toronto-168542550007456/?fref=ts

The iSchool Student Conference committee is looking for 2 MI volunteers to assist with conference planning! As the project progresses your role as a conference co-chair will be more clearly defined. We hope that you will continue the role next year! If you are interested in helping with the conference or have any questions, please email ischoolstudentconference@gmail.com for more information. Please email no later than September 23rd.

  1. The iJournal: Call for Submissions

Deadline: Friday September 30, 2016

Announcement link: http://theijournal.ca/index.php/ijournal

The iJournal is a peer-reviewed publication run by graduate students at the Faculty of Information. We are currently seeking content for our Fall 2016 issue. No matter what your program or concentration, this is an excellent opportunity to share your work with the iSchool community and add a publication to your CV. We are accepting a wide variety of submission formats, including essays, research reports, design reports, case studies, empirical studies, literature reviews, software and system evaluations, book reviews, and other exemplary student work.

To view our submission guidelines and submit your work, please visit our website: www.theijournal.ca. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@theijournal.ca. Submission deadline: September 30, 2016.

  1. Librarians Without Borders University of Toronto Chapter – Recruitment

Deadline: Friday September 30, 2016

Website link: https://www.facebook.com/LibrariansWithoutBordersUofT/?fref=ts

The University of Toronto Student Chapter of Librarians Without Borders is looking to fill the following executive positions: First Year Co-Chair, Activities Officer, and Communications Officer. Students from all concentrations are encouraged to join. We are going to be initiating some exciting new projects and events this year that will not only be fun and exciting, but will provide members with great experience.

Applications for these positions should be emailed to librarianswb.uoft@gmail.com by September 30th. Applications should include a brief introduction about themselves and why they would like to contribute to LWB.

  1. ACM Executive Info Session

Requester: ACM Student Chapter (uoftacm@gmail.com)

Event date: Tuesday October 4, 2016 12:00 PM-1:00 PM

Location: BL520

Announcement link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/acm-executive-info-session-tickets-28012695727

Website link: https://www.facebook.com/uoftacm/info/?entry_point=page_nav_about_item&tab=overview

Come to ACM’s Executive Info Session to learn about vacant positions and how to get involved. As an Exec member of ACM, you’ll have the opportunity to build networks with colleagues, and develop leadership, project management, technical skills, and more! Positions include: Event Leads Communications & Social Media Officers Financial Officers Web Team Our team is also open to growing our position listings, so if you have an interest that isn’t listed, please don’t hesitate to attend the event and let us know. MI and MMst students from all concentrations are welcome and encouraged to attend. Pop and juice will be provided.

  1. Arduino Club at Studio307

Event date: Thursday (weekly) 12:00 PM-2:00 PM

Location: Semaphore Studio307, BL307

Website link: http://studio307.github.io/

Arduino Club is an open, drop-in session focused on learning to program Arduinos. Each week, we’ll try a different project from the Arduino Projects Book, but feel free to bring your own projects as well. In other words, bring your current projects or drop in and try for the first time. Everyone interested is welcome. You do not need your own Arduino, there are extras in the space. But, please bring a laptop or borrow a newer Mac or Dell laptop from the Inforum (which have the Arduino software installed).

For more information, please email semaphorestudio307@gmail.com.

  1. President’s Memorandum

The voting period for MISC’s Fall Elections has officially begun! You have until this Saturday to login to the voting site and ensure that the candidates that best represent your interests get elected to MISC. Don’t forget to exercise your democratic right!

Happy voting,


Chelsea Misquith

President, 2016-2017

Master of Information Student Council

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