- MISC Elections
- AMIA Elections
- iStudents for Mental Health: Study Music Listening and Study Session
- Film Club over here: Directed by Women Screening Series at Media Commons
- Housekeeping – Student Lounge Bookings and MISCellaneous Ads
- MISC Elections
Nominations available via Google Form
Contact MISC with any questions or concerns
We are pleased to open nominations for MISC’s 2018 fall elections! Apply using the Google Form above to potentially receive one of the following positions and improve your resume for summer job hunting. You can self-nominate, or submit any other student you think would support MISC initiatives.
If you have any questions about the council, positions, or election process, our CRO, Bronwyn, will be hosting office hours on Tuesday, October 2, 12-1pm in the 7th Floor Student Lounge.
Positions Available
The Vice-President must be a first year student elected in September for a full year, and attends and contributes to all MISC meetings. They also automatically fill one of the Faculty Council Representative positions as well as one of the GSU Representative positions. They may act as the Presidents’ designate where required, such as acting as chair of meetings of the Executive Committee in the President’s absence. The Vice President generally assists the President throughout the year in various ways as necessary.
First-Year Professional Development Chair: The chair is responsible for planning professional development events with their first year assistant, including various resume and job-interview clinics and services. The Professional Development Committee’s largest effort is the annual Employer Showcase, typically held in January.
First Year Social Committee Representative: The representative assists with event planning and coordination, under the Social Committee Co-Chairs. The representative’s largest events are the two end-of-semester socials.
First Year Academic Affairs Officer: The officer sits on faculty council, the programs committee, and serves as a point of contact for students facing academic or curricular issues.
Upper Year Tech Fund Rep (1): The Tech Fund Representative attends monthly Tech Fund and MISC meetings. They must hold one of the following positions on the Tech Fund committee: Finance Liaison, IT Liaison, Student Liaison, Chairperson, or Secretary. Duties take about 6 hours per month.
First Year Tech Fund Representative (1): The First Year Tech Fund Representative attends monthly Tech Fund and MISC meetings. They must be a first year student and hold one of the following positions on the Tech Fund committee: Finance Liaison, IT Liaison, Student Liaison, Chairperson, or Secretary. Duties take about 6 hours per month.
Graduate Student Union Rep (1): This representative attends monthly Graduate Student Union meetings and relays information, events, initiatives and opportunities to MISC. The GSU is the largest student decision-making body at the School of Graduate Studies at U of T. Duties take about 6 hours per month.
Alumni Association Representative: The Alumni Association Representative serves as a liaison between MISC and the Faculty of Information Alumni Association (FIAA), attending all meetings to keep both councils updated and assisting with any joint events and activities.
Master’s Recruitment and Admissions Committee (MRAC) Representative: The MRAC Representative sits on the Master’s Recruitment and Admissions Committee, and the iSchool Communications Committee. The MRAC Representative is required to attend MISC meetings and provides updates from these two committees. Meetings for MRAC are held once per semester, and meetings for the communications committee are held once per month. The representative can expect to dedicate 4 hours per month to this position.
Faculty Council Representatives: The students appointed to the Faculty Council Representative positions serve to create a student presence at the Faculty Council meetings. They are allowed to speak at meetings (and are encouraged to do so) and are each allotted one vote on the Faculty Council.The Faculty Council for the Faculty of Information normally meets once each semester and is the governing body responsible for all academic affairs within the Faculty, including determining academic policies, determining course content and requirements of the degree and diploma programs.
These representatives report back to the council at MISC meetings, allowing the greater student body and council members to understand the decision process of the Faculty as well as gather student feedback to be voiced at future Faculty Council meetings.
Nominations are open until October 8. Voting will take place October 9-11.
- AMIA Elections
AMIA at UofT Elections Now Open!
Event Date: October 9th, 5pm
Location: TBD
Mailing list: amiaatuoft@gmail.com
Do you love working with audiovisual material? Want to be involved in student life? Come join AMIA @ UofT!
Available executive positions include: Vice-President, Secretary, and Social Media Coordinator. To run, email amiaatuoft@gmail.com with the position you’re interested in and why you think you’d be a good fit.
Voting will occur at our next meeting, October 9th, 2018 at 5pm. If you’re unable to attend but would still like to run, remember to email us your statement of interest!
Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians national website: https://capalibrarians.org/
CAPAL UofT Student Chapter website: https://utcapal.weebly.com/
CAPAL UofT Student Chapter Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/utcapal/
CAPAL UofT Student Chapter was established at the Faculty of Information in 2014, and provides an opportunity for students to learn more about academic librarianship, network, and have fun while contributing to their future profession and learning of their fellow students.
It is with sadness that we, the returning executives from 2017-2018, will be resigning due to a variety of personal, academic and professional changes in each of our lives. However, we would love to see CAPAL continue on at UofT. It is in this spirit that some of us would be willing to act in an advisory role, though we are not able to commit fully to an executive role.
If you are interested in CAPAL, or would simply like more information about what the CAPAL UofT Student Chapter has done in the past to see if it would be a good fit for you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!
Sarah Gorman – sarah.gorman@utoronto.ca
Jordan Pedersen – jordan.pedersen@mail.utoronto.ca
Marta Cooper Burt – martacooper.burt@mail.utoronto.ca
Hugh Samson – hugh.samson@utoronto.ca
- iStudents for Mental Health: Study Music Listening and Study Session
Date: Friday Oct 5 @ 5-9pm
Location: Room 728
Working on an assignment? Yup, probably !
Join your fellow Information students working on projects at the Study Music Listening and Studying Session this Friday night. Drop by anytime between 5-9pm. Playlist will include Classical music (Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Satie), lo-fi experimental electronic music (including local Toronto acts), and music requests !
*Snacks, tea, and pizza provided*
- Film Club over here: Directed by Women Screening Series at Media Commons
Date: Thursday Oct 4 @ 6:15pm – 9:15pm
Location: Media Commons Theatre (Robarts, 3rd Floor)
The Media Commons is hosting a screening series, Directed by Women, to demonstrate the incredible diversity of genre and style in films directed by women. This we will be screening ‘The Embargo Project’,an anthology of five short films by Canadian Indigenous women. “Participating in a collective process, each director created a film under restrictions imposed on them by their peers, to push each artist into new creative territory.”
- Housekeeping
Room Bookings
Does your group need a place to hold a meeting? MISC manages bookings of the student lounge on the 7th floor. Please fill out this form to confirm a time.
Posting in MISCellaneous
Want to include an update in our next issue? See this form for more information.