MISCellaneous #19 – Week of February 12-18, 2018

  1. UX Job Talks – Virtual Format Available
  2. MISC Meeting – February 19 @ 5:30pm
  3. February 14th – Valentine’s ThemediTea
  4. MISC-MUSSA Joint Pub Night
  5. Winter Clothing Swap – Post-Reading Week
  6. Librarian’s Without Borders Pre-Valentines Day Bake Sale!
  7. Cookies with CAPAL
  8. Paper Circuit Valentines at 307
  9. TRC Student Working Group presents: A Conversation with Lee Maracle
  10. Stressed from school? Drop by and play volleyball with fellow students for an hour!
  11. FiLM CLuB over here VaLenTiMes eDiTioN: Dr. Strangelove
  12. Sew What?!
  13. iSchool Student Conference – Volunteer Sign-up
  14. iSchool Game Night 2018
  15. Digital Tattoo – Call for Submissions
  16. Want to add your Ad? Details Here!

  1. UX Job Talks – Virtual Format Available

Contact: anna.pralat@utoronto.ca

Location for Physical Talk: BL728


The iSchool is currently in the midst of hiring two new Associate Professors in UXD, 1 Teaching Stream and 1 Research. Many of these talks take place on Monday and Thursday afternoons, from 1-4pm. If you would like to participate in helping to select this candidate, but cannot make it to one of the talks due to work, class, or other engagements, please contact Anna Pralat to get a virtual copy of the lecture. These are available by request only!


Here is the schedule:


Thursday February 15 – Olivier St-Cyr (Teaching)

o    1:30 – 3:30 pm


If you wish to view one (or more) of the previous talks: Anthony Tang (Research),  Beth Coleman (Research), Tiffany Tseng (Teaching), Adrian Reetz (Teaching) – please contact Anna Pralat.


  1. MISC Meeting – February 19 @ 5:30pm

Event date: Monday February 19, 5:30-7:30pm

Location: Student Lounge (BL 705)


MISC is holding our February meeting of the Winter Term on Monday February 19at 5:30pm in the Student Lounge (BL705).


All MI students are welcome to attend!


This meeting will discuss recaps on the InForum Town Hall, website changes, etc.


  1. 3February 14th – Valentine’s ThemediTea

Event Date: Wednesday, February 14th 4:30-6:00 pm

Location: BL 417


Our hearts are bursting with love and affection for the iSchool! Come join your student council and peers as we celebrate the 14th of February together with some sweet treats and, of course, hot chocolate and tea. Take a break from your studies to chit-chat and relax in iSchool style, drop in anytime between 4:30 – 6:00 pm in room 417 of the Inforum.


  1. MISC-MUSSA Joint Pub Night

Event Date: Thursday, February 15th, 7-11pm

Location: The GSU Pub in the GTSU Building at 16 Bancroft Ave.


It’s almost reading week, so let’s take a break from our assignments to have some fun and drink. Come join your student council and peers in at any time during the night, and feel free to bring your friends. The GSU Pub is conveniently located on campus near the Spadina Crescent, a place for graduate students to relax and take their mind off their schoolwork – the iSchool will be taking over for the night. Students from the MI, MMSt and the PhD program are all invited – see you there!


  1. 5Winter Clothing Swap – Post-Reading Week

Event Date: Monday February 27 & Tuesday February 28, 11am-5pm

Location: BL705


Sick of your old clothes? Want to get them off your hands and get some new-to-you pieces?


Come check out the Fall Clothing Swap! We’ll be running out of the Student Lounge. Bring in your old clothes and take some new ones.


All leftover pieces will be sorted. Ripped and stained items will be taken to Value Village for recycling, items in good condition will go to the Yonge Street Mission’s store Double Take.


  1. Librarian’s Without Borders Pre-Valentines Day Bake Sale!

Event Date: Tuesday February 13th, 9:00am-3:00pm

Location: Bissell Lobby


Treat yourself to a delicious treat at LWB’s pre-valentines (also known as Galentines) day bake sale! Rumor has it Leslie Knope may make an appearance, which we can neither confirm or deny. Come for the sweet treats, stay for the obscure Parks and Rec references!


  1. Cookies with CAPAL

Event Date: February 13th, 4:30 – 6pm, Rm 417, Inforum




U of T’s CAPAL Student Chapter invites academic librarians, iSchool faculty, and iStudents to decorate cookies just in time for Valentine’s Day. In this relaxing atmosphere, librarians and students will have the opportunity to get to know one another and ask questions about academic librarianship or about the iSchool’s new LIS curriculum. Hot drinks will be served. Cookies and a cornucopia of decorating supplies provided. See you there!


  1. Paper Circuit Valentines at 307

Event Date: Tuesday February 13th, 4-7PM

Location: BL307

Link: https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_tutorials/3/3/9/Valentine-Pop-Up-Card-Tutorial-11.jpg

Website: http://studio307.github.io


Join us Tuesday, February 13th from 4 to 7 pm in Studio307 and make a paper circuit valentine for someone who lights up your life! LEDs, batteries, and arts and crafts supplies provided. Questions? Email semaphorestudio307@gmail.com


  1. TRC Student Working Group presents: A Conversation with Lee Maracle

Event Date: Tuesday February 13th, 5:30PM

Location: BL728

Contact: trswg.information@gmail.com


Decolonization through Storytelling is a conversation with the Indigenous Elder Lee Maracle (Sto:lo Nation) on the Calls to Action of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission, and the work of decolonization at U of T. This discussion will be modrated by Michel Mersereau, a PHD student in the Faculty of Information with family roots in the Mi’kmaq community of the Buctouche, New Brunswick.


Maracle, an acclaimed writer and poet, is a Traditional Teacher at First Nation’s House and served as an advisor to the Steering Committee for the University of Toronto Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.


Free event, refreshments provided, wheelchair accessible venue. Please contact trswg.information@gmail.com to reserve a ticker or discuss accessibility concerns.


  1. Stressed from school? Drop by and play volleyball with fellow students for an hour!

Dates: February 13 onward, Tuesday & Wednesday evenings

Location: Graduate Student Union, 16 Bancroft Ave.


The iSports – iSchool Recreational Sports Team would like to invite all students for a game of recreational volleyball games held throughout the academic term. No skills or experience necessary!


Winter Term – Volleyball Games:

  • Tuesday, February 13 – 6PM
  • Tuesday, February 27 – 5PM
  • Tuesday, March 20 – 5PM
  • Wednesday, April 4 – 7PM


These are drop in recreational games. Hope to see you all there!


  1. FiLM CLuB over here VaLenTiMes eDiTioN: Dr. Strangelove
    Date: Friday Feb 16th, 7:30pm
    Facebook, over here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FILMCLUBoverhere/
    WordPress blog, over here: https://filmcluboverhere.wordpress.com/

    Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
    Directed by Stanley Kubrick
    94 mins

    Feeling cold this Valentimes day?  Heat up with this Cold War era-ending Rom-Com of international relations..!

    Snacks and/or pizza provided. Fluoridated Water Available

    sEee yoU there !


  1. Sew What?!

Dates: February 15 onward, Thursdays from 1-6pm

Location: BL307

Website: http://studio307.github.io


Drop-in to Studio307 Thursdays from 1 to 6 pm for Sew What, a community stitching session. Bring your own project or start one here, stay for the whole time or just a little while – it’s up to you! No experience necessary, all levels welcome! Learn from your peers and make something cool!


  1. iSchool Student Conference – Volunteer Sign-up

Registration link: https://goo.gl/forms/RvmJdqzXTFZ2i67L2

Deadline: February 23, 2018

Website: https://ischoolstudentconference.weebly.com

Event Date: March 2-3, 2018


With the registration for the iSchool Student Conference now open, we announce a call for volunteers to all MI, MMSt, CRO and PhD students!


Volunteering at the conference allows you to attend the event for FREE (food is free too). Join us for two days of engaging panels and talks that share what your colleagues have researched. Are you interested in Registration/Directions, Setup/Tear down, Moderator, or Photography? Sign up for a three-hour shift on Friday March 2nd or Saturday March 3rd. It is a wonderful credit for your resume, and a great way to participate in student life.


Volunteering or not, here is where you can register for the conference: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/information-in-the-air-society-and-the-evolving-media-tickets-42567132439


iSchool Game Night 2018

Event Date: Friday, March 2, 2018, 5pm-12am

Location: BL705, Student Lounge

Form for Games Collaboration: https://goo.gl/forms/6SzcZ5YR7FCsVRKB2


The iSchool Game Night is making a return and will be held on Friday, March 2, 2018, from 5pm to midnight! It was a blast last year, so we’re doing it again!


Come for loads of video games, board games, and free food. There will also be a door raffle with prizes to be won. So come relax and spend time with your friends and classmates.


Feel free to bring your games and consoles as well — those who do are eligible for additional raffle tickets! Please let us know what games you can bring: https://goo.gl/forms/6SzcZ5YR7FCsVRKB2


It promises to be an interesting night. So come and have fun! Bring your friends! Open to all iSchool students.


  1. Digital Tattoo – Call for Submissions

Contact:  digital.tattoo@ubc.ca – subject line DIGITAL TATTOO SUBMISSION


Digital Tattoo is a collaborative project between the University of British Columbia Library and the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Learning Commons, along with the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. The goal of Digital Tattoo is to encourage students to think about digital identity, question what it means to be a digital citizen, and engage in conversations around digital issues. We are currently accepting blog-style written submissions for a broad student audience. This is a great opportunity to have work published within a professional community. Entries should be between 400 and 600 words, covering topics such as

  • Our Data: surveillance, privacy, uses.
  • Digital Citizenship: access, freedom and responsibility
  • Privacy on the Internet: expectations, rights, and responsibilities
  • Sharing and re-using: ethics, ownership, copyright.

Please send all written submissions to digital.tattoo@ubc.ca with the subject line DIGITAL TATTOO SUBMISSION and the following:

  • Name and Program
  • Proposed Title for your submission
  • Confirmation that your submission is original content that has not been posted or published elsewhere

Be sure to check out the Digital Tattoo website for examples of tone and topics.


  1. 16Want to add your Ad? Details Here!

Deadline: Weekly, Submit by Sunday at 11:59PM

Contact: misc@utoronto.ca or amber.shortell@mail.utoronto.ca


Master of Information Student Council

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