MISCellaneous #17 – January 29-February 4, 2018

  1. Open Meeting regarding InForum Service Changes
  2. Feedback/Petition on InForum Changes
  3. UX Job Talks – Virtual Format Available
  4. Want to put Student Council on your Resume? 1 Position Now Available
  5. February 14th – Valentine’s ThemediTea
  6. MISC-MUSSA Joint Pub Night
  7. Stressed from school? Drop by and play volleyball with fellow students for an hour!
  8. iStudents for Mental Health attend U of T Mandatory Leave of Absence Policy Final Vote – TOMORROW
  9. The iJournal – Call for Submissions
  10. Students Supporting Students – Participate in Focus Group
  11. CAPAL: Tell Us About Yourself!
  12. iSchool Student Conference – Registration is open!
  13. 13Introduction to User Experience Workshop
  14. FiLM CLuB over here: History of Disability Rights in America
  15. Museum Talks Event
  16. Cookies with CAPAL
  17. OLA Super Conference 2018 – Final Reminder
  18. Want to add your Ad? Details Here!

  1. Open Meeting regarding InForum Service Changes

Event Date: Wednesday January 31, 4-6pm

Location: BL728, Bissell building


If you would like to help participate in further decision-making about the recent Service Changes at the InForum, please come to the open meeting on January 31. Wendy Duff, our dean, and Lari Langford, InForum Service Director, will be in attendance to hear your feedback and discuss the situation.


There are many parts to this discussion including current usage (fob tracking); when/how the information has been shared, re: transparency; safety/security of people/resources;  expressed student need/s (survey); costs; comparative standards within the university; and possible next steps.


  1. Feedback/Petition on InForum Changes

Deadline: January 31, 2018

Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfROuXoZUHOarQ5PvFgJheWNqZpo19SLPUeStZcY3DV1bQa3A/viewform

Contact: misc@utoronto.ca


There is a petition currently circulating calling attention to the decision to change InForum hours/accessibility. This petition stresses that discussion occur through transparent and collaborative engagement with students on possible solutions.


For more details on the matter, see the link below:



If you do not wish to sign the petition but would still like to provide feedback on the issue before the open meeting on January 31, please contact MISC directly.


  1. UX Job Talks – Virtual Format Available

Contact: anna.pralat@utoronto.ca

Location for Physical Talk: BL728


The iSchool is currently in the midst of hiring two new Associate Professors in UXD, 1 Teaching Stream and 1 Research. Many of these talks take place on Monday and Thursday afternoons, from 1-4pm. If you would like to participate in helping to select this candidate, but cannot make it to one of the talks due to work, class, or other engagements, please contact Anna Pralat to get a virtual copy of the lecture. These are available by request only!


Here is the schedule:


Monday January 29 – Lennart Nacke (Research)

o    1:30 – 3:00 pm


Thursday February 1 – Joyojeet Pal (Research)

o    3:30 – 5:00 pm


Thursday February 15 – Olivier St-Cyr (Teaching)

o    1:30 – 3:30 pm


If you wish to view one (or more) of the previous talks: Anthony Tang (Research),  Beth Coleman (Research), Tiffany Tseng (Teaching), Adrian Reetz (Teaching) – please contact Anna Pralat.


  1. Want to put Student Council on your Resume? 1 Position Now Available

Deadline: Open
Weekly Time Commitment: 0-2 hours

Contact: misc@utoronto.ca or amber.shortell@mail.utoronto.ca


The Master of Information Student Council has 1 new spot available. We are currently seeking:


  • 1 Graduate Student Union Representative (attend remaining 3 meetings of year: Mondays, 6:10pm-8pm – sometimes later)
    Dates: 26 February, 26 March, 30 April

Pizza and drinks are served before the meeting. It’s a great way to meet students outside the iSchool!

Contact information above if interested. Looks great on your resume!


  1. February 14th – Valentine’s ThemediTea

Event Date: Wednesday, February 14th 4:30-6:00 pm

Location: BL 417


Our hearts are bursting with love and affection for the iSchool! Come join your student council and peers as we celebrate the 14th of February together with some sweet treats and, of course, hot chocolate and tea. Take a break from your studies to chit-chat and relax in iSchool style, drop in anytime between 4:30 – 6:00 pm in room 417 of the Inforum.


  1. MISC-MUSSA Joint Pub Night

Event Date: Thursday, February 15th, 7-11pm

Location: The GSU Pub in the GTSU Building at 16 Bancroft Ave.


It’s almost reading week, so let’s take a break from our assignments to have some fun and drink. Come join your student council and peers in at any time during the night, and feel free to bring your friends. The GSU Pub is conveniently located on campus near the Spadina Crescent, a place for graduate students to relax and take their mind off their schoolwork – the iSchool will be taking over for the night. Students from the MI, MMSt and the PhD program are all invited – see you there!


  1. Stressed from school? Drop by and play volleyball with fellow students for an hour!

Dates: January 30 onward, Tuesday & Wednesday evenings

Location: Graduate Student Union, 16 Bancroft Ave.


The iSports – iSchool Recreational Sports Team would like to invite all students for a game of recreational volleyball games held throughout the academic term. No skills or experience necessary!


Winter Term – Volleyball Games:

  • Tuesday, January 30 – 5PM
  • Tuesday, February 13 – 6PM
  • Tuesday, February 27 – 5PM
  • Tuesday, March 20 – 5PM
  • Wednesday, April 4 – 7PM


These are drop in recreational games. Hope to see you all there!


  1. iStudents for Mental Health attend U of T Mandatory Leave of Absence Policy Final Vote – TOMORROW

Event Date: Tuesday January 30th, 4pm

Location: Simcoe Hall (King’s College Circle near St. George & Galbraith)
Link to full Policy: https://www.utfa.org/sites/default/files/Sandy%20Welsh%20let%2015_Dec_17_no%20signature.pdf

Register to speak at the meeting (3 minute window): https://uoftgc.wufoo.com/forms/w1jva9xp1xamdy5/

The Mandatory Leave of Absence Policy in its current form allows administrators to remove a student with an apparent mental health issue from most, if not all, of their academic and/or campus community involvement/access. Administrators can do this based on perceived risk of harm to their self, others, or the educational environment.


In recent months, the policy has received criticism from student groups, unions, and the Faculty Association including the worry that “the Policy, as drafted, will have a chilling effect on students wishing to seek help for mental health concerns at the University of Toronto” (Faculty Association, Dec 15th 2017).


The new version of the Policy was released late at night on Friday Jan 19th 2018, leaving little opportunity for students or teachers to provide input on the Policy now facing the final vote. It has hardly been altered from its earlier draft.

This Tuesday, join the members of iStudents for Mental Health, who will be attending and speaking at the Governing Council’s final vote on this Policy.

Link to notes and photos from our related panel discussion earlier this month: https://istudentsformentalhealth.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/panel-discussion-on-uofts-mandatory-leave-of-absence-policy/

Link to the final version of the Policy and related documents: https://istudentsformentalhealth.wordpress.com/2017/12/22/uofts-proposed-mandated-leave-of-absence-policy-regarding-students-with-mental-health-issues/

Link to Governing Council Agenda: http://www.governingcouncil.lamp4.utoronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/a0130-0-2017-2018uab.pdf

  1. The iJournal – Call for Submissions

Deadline: January 31, 2018

Submission Link: http://www.theijournal.ca/index.php/ijournal/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions

Website: http://www.theijournal.ca/index.php/ijournal/index

Contact: theijournalinfo@gmail.com



The iJournal is a peer-reviewed journal run by graduate students at the Faculty of Information. We are currently seeking essays, research reports, design reports, case studies, empirical studies, literature reviews, software and system evaluations, and other exemplary student work to publish in our Spring 2018 issue.


If you are an iSchool student in any program or concentration, this is an excellent opportunity to share your work with the iSchool community and add a peer-reviewed publication to your CV, resume, or professional portfolio.

Submissions can be sent to theijournalinfo@gmail.com. To view our submission guidelines, please visit our website: www.theijournal.ca.


Submission deadline: January 31, 2018.


  1. Students Supporting Students – Participate in Focus Group

Event Date: January 31, 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Location: OISE 4422

RSVP: innovationhub@utoronto.ca


How can we help U of T students find the right information to answer their questions on such a large and decentralized campus? In the fall of 2017, the Campus Resource Referral Guide was created as a starting point to bring information together. Where do we go from here? The Innovation Hub along with Clubs and Groups are hosting a focus group to gain insights on how the university can support campus leaders in supporting students, and to inform the next iteration of the referral guide.


  1. CAPAL: Tell Us About Yourself!

Deadline: February 1




Are you interested in academic librarianship? Want to write about yourself rather than write your papers? The CAPAL (Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians) student chapter here at UofT is looking for students who want to share, in about 200 words, why they are interested in academic librarianship for our feature article in CAPAL’s Student Committee Newsletter. If you are interested, shoot us an email at utcapal@gmail.com or send us a message on facebook athttps://www.facebook.com/utcapal/ before February 1st.


Not sure what to write but want to participate? We’d love to hear from you anyway and we can interview you!


  1. iSchool Student Conference – Registration is open!

Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/information-in-the-air-society-and-the-evolving-media-tickets-42567132439

Event Date: March 2-3, 2018

Contact: ischoolstudentconference@gmail.com


Registration for the iSchool Student Conference is now open! Get your ticket now for two days of exciting new research from your fellow students, a keynote from an alumna of the iSchool, and delicious food!

Purchase your tickets before February 19th for early bird pricing of just $5!


For more information about the conference, please visit: https://ischoolstudentconference.weebly.com.


Have a great conference idea, but worried you missed the deadline? Proposals will still be considered until Thursday, February 1st! Submit yours here: https://goo.gl/forms/6jCuPLMILfzyxX6y1


  1. Introduction to User Experience Workshop

Event DateFriday, February 2, 10 am – 12 pm

Location: Gerstein Library, Alice Moulton Room (second floor)

Registration Link – REQUIRED: https://libcal.library.utoronto.ca/event/3445328

Contact: lisa.gayhart@utoronto.ca


This workshop introduces:

  • Key concepts in UX and usability testing
  • How UX can be used to improve digital services and space in organizations
  • Popular UX research tools
  • Services of the UX Lab in Robarts Library


This is a free event.


  1. FiLM CLuB over here: History of Disability Rights in America 

Event DateFriday, February 2, 7:30pm

Location: BL705, Student Lounge

Facebook, over here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FILMCLUBoverhere/
WordPress blog, over here: https://filmcluboverhere.wordpress.com/

The Great Fight for Disability Rights
Directed by Eric Neudel
Documentary on the history of disability rights in America.

We will also watch/find short experimental films on the relative accessibility of physical environments.

Snacks and/or pizza provided.

sEee you there !


  1. Museum Talks: Museums and The Environment – February 8

Event Date: 

Thursday, February 8, 2018, 4:00-6:00 PM

Location: BL728



This panel explores the different ways museums and museum professionals both impact and are impacted by the environment.


Christine Castle will outline the history, mission and goals of the Coalition of Museums for Climate Justice, a Canadian movement working to mobilize and support Canadian museum workers and their organizations in building public awareness, mitigation, and resilience in response to climate change.


Zoe Fitzgerald will review how the Ontario Science Centre incorporates the principles of inquiry, play, and citizen science into their indoor environmentally-themed programming and how they strive to help students make an emotional connection to the out-of-doors.


Lauren McCallum will discuss the intersection of past and present in the development of hands-on garden programs in the context of historic house museums, studying both Indigenous planting techniques and early settler agricultural practices.


Panel discussant, Camille-Mary Sharp, is a second-year Ph.D. student at the iSchool and a graduate of the Master of Museum Studies program.


Open to the Public – Refreshments served


  1. Cookies with CAPAL

Event Date: February 13th, 4:30 – 6pm, Rm 417, Inforum






U of T’s CAPAL Student Chapter invites academic librarians, iSchool faculty, and iStudents to decorate cookies just in time for Valentine’s Day. In this relaxing atmosphere, librarians and students will have the opportunity to get to know one another and ask questions about academic librarianship or about the iSchool’s new LIS curriculum. Hot drinks will be served. Cookies and a cornucopia of decorating supplies provided. See you there!


  1. OLA Super Conference 2018 – Final Reminder

Event Date: January 31-February 3, 2018

Link: http://www.olasuperconference.ca

The 2018 Ontario Library Association (OLA) Super Conference 2018 will run from January 31 to February 2, 2018 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and is a great opportunity to network, gain exposure to a wide variety of libraries and information work, learn new skills, and attend Canada’s largest conference for library professionals.


The call for volunteers is located here: http://www.olasuperconference.ca/attend/volunteer/confvolunteer/


  1. Want to add your Ad? Details Here!

Deadline: Weekly, Submit by Sunday at 11:59PM

Contact: misc@utoronto.ca or amber.shortell@mail.utoronto.ca


Master of Information Student Council

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