MISCellaneous – 13 February, 2017

  1. Tech Fund Referendum: February 13th-24th, 2017
  2. ACA Bake Sale
    3. Studio307 Open Hours before Reading Week!
  3. Librarians Without Borders Valentines Day Bakesale
    5. Food for Thought: The Fourth Annual Tech Fund Ideas iTea
  4. February ACA General Meeting
    7. Dr. Greg Bak Lecture: Understanding Media(tion)
    8. iSchool Book Club Meeting 2
    9. iSchool Student Conference – Call for Volunteers
  5. President’s Memorandum

  1. Tech Fund Referendum: February 13th-24th, 2017 


Event date: Monday February 13, 2017 9:00 AM


Location: Bissell Building


Website link: http://misc.ischool.utoronto.ca/techfund


The Tech Fund is a student-centered initiative here at the iSchool that focuses on supporting and enhancing the information, communication, and technology wants, needs and desires of our MI and MMSt students. We fund, purchase and implement the things that you, the iSchool students, request in order to help with your ICT based learning, research, exhibiting, collecting, curating, and overall experience while at the iSchool. In order for the Tech Fund to continue to support iSchool students, we must collect a levy fee which requires that we hold a referendum every two years to ensure that the iSchool population is still in favour of supporting this amazing committee and helping to make possible all of the wonderful events, workshops and technology purchases that the Tech Fund is responsible for.


The referendum is to be held this February, the voting period will take place February 13th-24th, 2017. If successful, the Tech Fund levy fee will be collected with the 2017 yearly tuition in the amount of $25.00 per academic session (no fee charged during the summer session) for full-time students (for a total of $50.00 for fall/winter period) and $12.50 per academic session (no fee charged during summer session) for part-time students (for a total of $25.00 for fall/winter period). We hope to get all of our MI and MMSt students out to vote in support of the Tech Fund and all of the hard work being done to improve the iSchool experience!


  1. ACA Bake Sale

    Event date: Monday February 13, 2017 9:00 AM-4:30 PM

    Location: Bissell Lobby

    Website link: https://www.facebook.com/ACAUofT/

    The ACA will be hosting its annual Valentine’s Bake Sale on February 13 from 9-4:30pm in the Second Floor Lobby. Come out to support the University of Toronto Student Chapter of the ACA! The bake sale helps to fund our speakers, professional panels, tours, and social events throughout the year.



  1. Studio307 Open Hours before Reading Week!


Event date: Monday February 13, 2017 12:00 PM – Thursday February 16, 2017 6:00 PM


Location: Semaphore Studio307, BL307


Website link: http://studio307.github.io/


Drop by Semaphore Studio307 for the last week open before our Reading Week closure! For the week of Monday, Feb 13, we will have staff available during the following times:

Mon: 12-5 PM

Tue: 1-6 PM

Wed: 3.30-6.30 PM

Thu: 12-5 PM

Also join us for Arduino Club on Monday 12-2 PM and a Python Session on Thursday 4-6 PM for the last time before Reading Week!


Studio307 is a student-run studio workspace within the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. It’s located in Rm 307 of the Claude T. Bissell Building (140 St. George Street) and supported by Semaphore, TechFund, the Inforum and student volunteers and staff. Some of the equipment available here FOR FREE to iSchool students include: 3D printers, sewing machines, a 3D scanner, Arduino kits, Raspberry Pi, and Littlebits + Legos! For further information, please visit studio307.github.io or email semaphorestudio307@gmail.com. Follow and contribute to #Studio307 on Twitter for updates!

4. Librarians Without Borders Valentines Day Bakesale

Event date: Tuesday February 14, 2017 9:00 AM-3:00 PM

Location: Bissell Lobby

Website link: https://www.facebook.com/LibrariansWithoutBordersUofT

Treat yourself this valentines day and enjoy a sweet treat at Librarian’s Without Border’s Valentine’s Day bake sale!



  1. Food for Thought: The Fourth Annual Tech Fund Ideas iTea


Event date: Wednesday February 15, 2017 4:30 PM-5:30 PM


Location: BL728


Announcement link: http://current.ischool.utoronto.ca/events/2017/food-thought-fourth-annual-tech-fund-ideas-itea


Join the Tech Fund at their annual “Ideas Party.” Guests will be able to brainstorm and contribute ideas for what Tech Fund could investigate funding. The best submissions in each category will win a $25 gift card to a retail store of their choice (exclusions apply)! Advanced submissions are accepted through the following form: http://bit.ly/2l2ivpC Cookies and tea served.

  1. February ACA General Meeting

    Event date: Wednesday February 15, 2017 5:30 PM-6:00 PM

    Location: Student Lounge (BL705)

    Announcement link: https://www.facebook.com/ACAUofT/

    The ACA’s February general meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 15 from 5:30-6:00 in the Student Lounge. Come out to here all of the exciting events that we have planned for the second half of February and in March! A pub night at the Fox and Fiddle will follow. Everyone is welcome to attend.

    7. Dr. Greg Bak Lecture: Understanding Media(tion)

    Event date: Monday February 27, 2017 4:30 PM-6:00 PM

    Location: Maclean Hunter Room, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

    Announcement link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/lecture-by-dr-greg-bak-understanding-mediation-tickets-31288161734

    Website link: https://www.facebook.com/ACAUofT/

    Join the University of Toronto’s Student Chapter of the Association of Canadian Archivists as we present a Lecture by Dr. Greg Bak of the University of Manitoba. Dr. Bak will be giving a lecture titled “Understanding Media(ion): Descriptive Standards, Mediating Technologies and Archival Decolonization.” The lecture will explore the role of standards in archival decolonization, examine established international standard like OAIS and PREMIS, as well as emerging standards such as RiC-CM and the proposed changes to RAD. Dr. Bak is an assistant professor of history (archival studies) at the University of Manitoba and worked on the university’s successful bid to steward the archives of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

    8. iSchool Book Club Meeting 2

    Event date: Tuesday March 7, 2017 4:00 PM

    Location: Student Lounge

    Website link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1828609894088661/

    The second meeting of the iSchool Book Club will be on Tuesday, March 7th at 4:00pm. The winner of the poll for this month’s book is The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis. This young adult novel is about Alex, who is haunted by her sister’s murder three years ago, and what happens when she takes violent revenge on her sister’s killer. The novel presents an unflinching takedown of rape culture and slut-shaming. Content Warning for discussions of rape and animal cruelty.

    No participation in previous meetings is required to jump into this month’s! We hope that this book club will facilitate critical thinking and lively discussion about a specific monthly book, and also provide a community through which interested iSchool students can embrace their love of reading and meet others who share this love. Often the intense studies required in Grad School make it difficult to continue to pursue non-academic reading, and we hope that a book club can act as a source of momentum for anyone who wants encouragement to read more. Keep up to date with what’s going on in the bookclub through our Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1828609894088661/

    9. iSchool Student Conference – Call for Volunteers

    Website link: http://canadanow2017.wordpress.com/

    This years conference committee is looking for student volunteers to help out on March 10th and March 11th! We are looking for students to help with registration and set up, student moderators, and student photographers! Priority will be given to student with full day availability. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, visit our website at https://canadanow2017.wordpress.com/ or send us an email at ischoolstudentconference@gmail.com for more details.



  1. President’s Memorandum


Happy last week of classes before Reading Week, everyone!


Just a note that due to technical issues, the MISC website (http://misc.ischool.utoronto.ca/) is only accessible via non-Google Chrome browsers (as long as you use “http” instead of “https” while looking up the website). We are currently working on having this issue resolved. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me at misc.ischool@utoronto.ca.


Thanks a lot for your understanding,



Chelsea Misquith

President, 2016-2017

Master of Information Student Council

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