MISCellaneous – 06 February, 2017

  1. MISC February Meeting
  2. Tech Fund Referendum & Ideas Event
  3. Upcoming Tech Fund Referendum: February 13th-24th, 2017
  4. Arduino Club
  5. AGO Edward P. Taylor Library & Archives Tour
  6. Carnival Arts in Canada

  1. MISC February Meeting


MISC is holding our February meeting on Wednesday, February 8 at 10 AM in the Student Lounge (BL705). All MI students are welcome to attend!


  1. Tech Fund Referendum & Ideas Event


Event date: Wednesday February 8, 2017 5:00 PM-6:30 PM

Location: Student Lounge


Website link: http://misc.ischool.utoronto.ca/techfund


Want to know more about the Tech Fund and the upcoming referendum? Come out to our Tech Fund Referendum & Ideas event to learn more about the committee, the referendum and meet the members. Ask us your questions and offer suggestions or ideas about how we can better serve you (or just come for the free food)!


  1. Upcoming Tech Fund Referendum: February 13th-24th, 2017 


Event date: Monday February 13, 2017 9:00 AM


Location: Bissell Building


Website link: http://misc.ischool.utoronto.ca/techfund


The Tech Fund is a student-centered initiative here at the iSchool that focuses on supporting and enhancing the information, communication, and technology wants, needs and desires of our MI and MMSt students. We fund, purchase and implement the things that you, the iSchool students, request in order to help with your ICT based learning, research, exhibiting, collecting, curating, and overall experience while at the iSchool. In order for the Tech Fund to continue to support iSchool students, we must collect a levy fee which requires that we hold a referendum every two years to ensure that the iSchool population is still in favour of supporting this amazing committee and helping to make possible all of the wonderful events, workshops and technology purchases that the Tech Fund is responsible for.


The upcoming referendum is to be held this February, the voting period will take place February 13th-24th, 2017. If successful, the Tech Fund levy fee will be collected with the 2017 yearly tuition in the amount of $25.00 per academic session (no fee charged during the summer session) for full-time students (for a total of $50.00 for fall/winter period) and $12.50 per academic session (no fee charged during summer session) for part-time students (for a total of $25.00 for fall/winter period). We hope to get all of our MI and MMSt students out to vote in support of the Tech Fund and all of the hard work being done to improve the iSchool experience!



  1. Arduino Club


Event date: Monday February 6, 2017 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM


Location: Semaphore Studio307, BL307


Arduino Club has moved to Mondays, 12-2pm in Semaphore Studio307 (Bissell 307). All skill levels are welcome. Drop-ins are welcome. Arduino Club meets each week to tackle a new project together using either an Arduino microcontroller board or a Particle Photon board (for Internet of Things projects). Come out, learn simple electronics and coding, and meet new people. Useful for creative deliverables, learning to code, prototyping, exhibit building, and fun.

For more info, contact: semaphorestudio307@gmail.com
http://studio307.github.io for our calendar.



  1. AGO Edward P. Taylor Library & Archives Tour


Event date: Monday February 6, 2017 1:00 PM


Location: Art Gallery of Ontario, 317 Dundas St. W.


Website link: https://www.facebook.com/ACAUofT/


Join the ACA Student Chapter for a tour of the Art Gallery of Ontario’s Edward P. Taylor Library & Archives on Monday, February 6 at 1pm. The tour is free, but space is limited. RSVP to j.deruyter@mail.utoronto.ca



  1. Carnival Arts in Canada


Event date: Friday February 10, 2017 6:00 PM-9:00 PM


Location: BL728


MUSSA and the Festival Management Committee invite you to “Carnival Arts in Canada: An Overview of the Caribbean Carnival. Featuring talks by Denise Herrera-Jackson and Quammie Williams. Performances by Calypsonian Macomere Fifi and Steelpannist Winston “Pappy” Fredrick. With special guest Dr. Rita Cox. Free admission!



Chelsea Misquith

President, 2016-2017

Master of Information Student Council

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