- Join the Master of Information Student Council – Submission Period Extended!
- MISC Annual Instructor Award
- Master of Information Student Council’s iBall
- Final FiLM CLuB of the Year! (until summer): FiLM CLuB over here: ReTRo FuTuRe Design and Communication
- The iJournal – Launch Party
- iSchool Book Club Meeting #15: Dr. Edith Vane and The Hares of Crawley Hall by Suzette Mayr
- INF1323: The Information Experience Online Exhibition
- Mental Health First Aid Training Scholarships for Future Information Professionals
- 9. Inforum Collection Student Petition
- Digital Tattoo – Call for Submissions
- Want to add your Ad? Details Here!
- Join the Master of Information Student Council – Submission Period Extended!
Submission Period EXTENDED: March 26 – March 31
Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-EBji5_YRSM4JRLkCSwRFmfMWPpl7ZP9Il7l_jgIAG8rMcA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Site: http://uoft.me/votemisc2018
Contact: misc@utoronto.ca
The following positions on Master of Information Student Council remain unfilled, and we are actively seeking students from all concentrations to fill these roles. No experience required, training available.
Apply using the Google Form above to potentially receive one of the following positions and improve your resume for summer job hunting. You can self-nominate, or submit any other student you think would do a great job!
Positions Available:
President (Executive): The President is responsible for managing the MISCellaneous newsletter, planning and chairing monthly meetings, filling the meeting agenda and any vacant Council positions, liaising with the Dean and other Faculty, answering MISC e-mails, and supporting Council to make sure all work is completed. Duties take 5-10 hours per week, sometimes more if supporting events.
Secretary (Executive): The secretary of MISC is responsible for taking minutes during council meetings, running elections for Council positions & Instructor Award, and updating the following info on the website: student council bios, MISCellaneous, policies, lounge bookings, and MISC calendar. Duties take about 3 hours per week.
Webmaster (Executive): The MISC webmaster manages and maintains the council’s web presence by ensuring the content on the website is accurate and up-to-date. No previous programming experience is required. Our website is on Wordpress, and our current webmaster can train you how to use it.Social Committee Co-Chair (1): The Social Committee is comprised of two upper year co-chairs who help plan and host events for MI & CRO students. They lead the social committee, comprised of an additional first-year representative and any other interested students. Social Committee organises Orientation events in September; the end-of-term events in December and April; and any other mid-term events as needed such as pub nights and game nights.
Professional Development Chair: The chair is responsible for planning professional development events with their first year assistant, including various resume and job-interview clinics and services. The Professional Development Committee’s largest effort is the annual Employer Showcase, typically held in January.
Upper-Year Tech Fund Rep (1): The Tech Fund Rep attends monthly Tech Fund and MISC meetings. They hold one of the following positions: Finance Liaison, IT Liaison, Student Liaison, Chairperson, or Secretary. Duties take about 6 hours per month.
Graduate Student Union Reps (2): This rep sits attends monthly Graduate Student Union meetings and relays information, events, initiatives and opportunities to MISC. The GSU is the largest student decision-making body at the School of Graduate Studies at U of T. Duties take about 6 hours per month.
Alumni Association Rep: The alumni association representative serves as a liaison between MISC and the Faculty of Information Alumni Association (FIAA), attending all meetings to keep both councils updated and assisting with any joint events and activities.
Voting will take place next week, so stay tuned for the final announcement!
- MISC Annual Instructor Award
Nomination Period: March 19 – March 31, 2018
Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf9NLxDEeHGJalEtU5W7OxWDuzqaj6JqhXWrnSIy6-gPE1U1A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Site: http://misc.ischool.utoronto.ca/index.php/instructor-award/
Contact: misc@utoronto.caThe Master of Information Student Council (MISC) recognises an instructor at each year’s convocation reception. If an iSchool instructor has positively impacted your education, consider nominating them above by April. Voting will start April 2. Note that the award can be presented anonymously or include your name. If you have any questions about the Annual Instructor Award, please email MISC atmisc@utoronto.ca.
Voting will take place next week, so stay tuned!
- 3. Master of Information Student Council’s iBall
Event Date: Wednesday April 11th, 7pm-10pm
Location: University of Toronto Faculty Club, 41 Willcocks St.
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/misc-end-of-year-iball-for-mi-students-and-faculty-tickets-43748556109
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/785135351694538The end of the school year is on the horizon, and that means MISC’s end of year party is on it’s way as well! For some students, graduation is near and school’s out forever – for other students, school’s just out for the summer. But the learning and friendship never ends, so come and celebrate the start of summer with your student council, your peers, and your faculty!
Join us at the Faculty Club (41 Willcocks St. on campus) on Wednesday April 11th from 7-10pm for a reception and cash bar (no formal dress code, although we do encourage you to dress up!) A pub night will follow after 10 pm. Attendance is free for MI students and faculty. You are also welcome to bring a friend or significant other! RSVP early as space is limited and seats are on a first-come basis.
Please notify us of any dietary restrictions at / feel free to direct any questions to misc@utoronto.ca. Best of luck with the remainder of your semester. MISC is looking forward to celebrating with you in April!
- Final FiLM CLuB of the Year! (until summer): FiLM CLuB over here: ReTRo FuTuRe Design and Communication
Event Date: Friday March 30th, 7:30pm (film starts at 8)
Location: Student Lounge (BL 705)
Site: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FILMCLUBoverhere/
Topics include HoMes of the Future, effective communication in the workplace of the 20th century, and the history (and FuTuRe) of the iNternet.
Snacks and/or pizza provided.
sEee yoU there !
- The iJournal – Launch Party
Event Date: Thursday April 5th, 4pm-6pm
Location: BL728 (subject to change)
Link: http://www.theijournal.ca/index.php/ijournalJoin us for the launch of the iJournal’s two Spring issues! Come learn about student work across the iSchool while celebrating with our editorial board and authors. We hope to see you there!
- iSchool Book Club Meeting #15: Dr. Edith Vane and The Hares of Crawley Hall by Suzette Mayr
Event Date: Thursday Apri; 8 @ 4PM
Location: Student Lounge (BL 705)
Site: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ischoolbookclub/
If you like reading and discussing books, come check out the iSchool Book Club! Our next meeting is on Thursday March 8 at 4PM in the student lounge (BL705). We will be discussing Dr. Edith Vane and The Hares of Crawley Hall by Suzette Mayr.
As always, anyone is welcome to come! We begin each meeting by discussing books in general, exchanging recommendations, and catching up on what we’ve all been reading (or not reading), before moving on to our discussion of the official book for the month. We’re always happy to have new attendees!
- INF1323: The Information Experience Online Exhibition
Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/CMdlkqclU7cFrBll2
Contact: informationhorizonsonline@gmail.com
Did you complete INF1323 (The Information Experience) in the Fall of 2017? Would you like to have your original IHI research featured in an online exhibition?
If so, indicate your interest here: https://goo.gl/forms/CMdlkqclU7cFrBll2
Any other questions or concerns can be sent to informationhorizonsonline@gmail.com
- Mental Health First Aid Training Scholarships
Proposal: 300-500 words: How is mental health First Aid training important to your career goals as an information professional?
Deadline: April 6, 2018
Contact: misc@utoronto.ca
Questions: Robyn.Forman@utoronto.ca or martacooper.burt@mail.utoronto.caFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/iStudentsForMentalHealth
Link: http://istudentsformentalhealth.wordpress.com
The Mental Health Commission of Canada (http://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.ca/en) offers occupational training for public service workers to know how to respond to patrons in crisis, distress, or in need of resources. This is an asset to public service work and community building – the goal to develop a level of compassion and understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health, and the complexities of support services.
Mental Health Commission of Canada regularly offers 2-day training courses in Toronto and across the country. The courses range in price from $150-$350.
iStudents for Mental Health (the Mental Health Working Group of MiSC) is offering three full scholarships to cover the cost of training (plus a stipend of $33 for lunch, transportation, etc.) to students currently enrolled in the MI program.
If training in Mental Health First Aid relates to your field of study and career goals as an information professional, please explain in a 300-500 word letter to iStudents for Mental Health (co-chairs Marta and Robyn) at misc@utoronto.ca by April 6th. Be sure to include your name, concentration, and year of study.
Scholarships will be awarded in early/mid-April to allow workshop registration in an efficient manner.
Email any questions to Robyn.Forman@utoronto.ca or martacooper.burt@mail.utoronto.ca
- Inforum Collection Student Petition
Last week, a group of MI students put together a petition to express their concern on the proposed dismantling of the Inforum print collection, as well as the lack of consultation with the main userbase students and the Inforum Librarians on this major issue of resource management. If you are concerned with how this process has taken place so far, please sign and circulate as widely as possible. As well, comment on the petition to include ideas for more effective design of the Inforum space or other space in Bissell Building. Or discuss the value of the Inforum collection for your purposes at iSchool, etc.
The petition will be submitted to its addressees in the days approaching the proposed dismantling date, May 1st, 2018. To convey your concerns about the collection dismantling more immediately, email Dean Duff at wendy.duff@utoronto.ca. Be sure to CC Inforum Librarians on your email as they are compiling student concerns: elisa.sze@utoronto.ca; nalini.singh@utoronto.ca; kathleen.scheaffer@utoronto.ca. Our librarians are Eliza Sze (Collections & Public Services Coordinator), Nalini Singh (Reference Services Coordinator), Kathleen Scehaffer (Outreach and Instructional Services Coordinator).
- Digital Tattoo – Call for Submissions
Contact: digital.tattoo@ubc.ca – subject line DIGITAL TATTOO SUBMISSION
Digital Tattoo is a collaborative project between the University of British Columbia Library and the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Learning Commons, along with the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. The goal of Digital Tattoo is to encourage students to think about digital identity, question what it means to be a digital citizen, and engage in conversations around digital issues. We are currently accepting blog-style written submissions for a broad student audience. This is a great opportunity to have work published within a professional community. Entries should be between 400 and 600 words, covering topics such as
- Our Data: surveillance, privacy, uses.
- Digital Citizenship: access, freedom and responsibility
- Privacy on the Internet: expectations, rights, and responsibilities
- Sharing and re-using: ethics, ownership, copyright.
Please send all written submissions to digital.tattoo@ubc.ca with the subject line DIGITAL TATTOO SUBMISSION and the following:
- Name and Program
- Proposed Title for your submission
- Confirmation that your submission is original content that has not been posted or published elsewhere
Be sure to check out the Digital Tattoo website for examples of tone and topics.
- 11. Want to add your Ad? Details Here!
Deadline: Weekly, Submit by Sunday at 11:59PM
Contact: misc@utoronto.ca or amber.shortell@mail.utoronto.ca
Master of Information Student Council