MISCellaneous – 16 January, 2017

  1. MISC PD’s 11th Annual Employer Showcase
  2. Studio307 Open Hours Winter 2017
  3. The iJournal: Call for Submissions [Deadline Extended]
  4. Professional Panel on Digital Archives
  5. The iguana blog’s first meeting of 2017!
  6. Call for Study Participants – on Studio307 Usage and Experience

  1. MISC PD’s 11th Annual Employer Showcase


Event date: Wednesday January 18, 2017 3:00 PM-7:00 PM


Location: 4th Floor of the Inforum


Come join us for the 11th annual Employer Showcase, the biggest career event of the year. Meet employers from a range of industries who have the essential insights for finding a new job or internship and might even be hiring for a position you are perfect for. This is a networking event so come prepared to share your passions and make a great impression. Be sure to dress professionally as there will be a paid photographer offering FREE professional headshots. A variety of delicious food and refreshments will also be available. This is an event you can’t afford to miss!


Want to make a particularly good impression? Volunteer for a few hours as an event assistant and demonstrate to employers your commitment and team spirit. Contact pd.ischool@utoronto.ca to take part!



  1. Studio307 Open Hours Winter 2017


Event date: Monday January 16, 2017


Location: Semaphore Studio307, Bissell 307


Website link: https://studio307.github.io/


Studio307 is a student-run studio workspace within the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. It’s located in Rm 307 of the Claude T. Bissell Building (140 St. George Street) and supported by Semaphore, TechFund, the Inforum and student volunteers and staff. Some of the equipment available here FOR FREE to iSchool students include: 3D printers, sewing machines, a 3D scanner, Arduino kits, Raspberry Pi, and Littlebits + Legos! Studio307 reopens on Monday, January 16 for the Winter 2017 term.


Open hours will have staff available during the following times:

Mon: 12-5 PM

Tue: 12-5 PM

Wed: 12-2:30 PM

Thu: 1:30-5:30 PM


Feel free to drop by and use the space/ask questions! For further information, our website is studio307.github.io. Email semaphorestudio307@gmail.com for questions or to book the space/equipment.



  1. The iJournal: Call for Submissions [Deadline Extended]


Deadline: Sunday January 22, 2017


Announcement link: http://theijournal.ca/index.php/ijournal/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions


Website link: http://theijournal.ca/index.php/ijournal


Submissions are now open for our Spring 2017 issue! Submissions are open to iSchool students in any program or concentration. We highly encourage students to submit work in any format, including essays, research reports, design reports, case studies, empirical studies, literature reviews, software and system evaluations, interview transcripts, and book reviews. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@theijournal.ca. Submission deadline: January 22, 2017.



  1. Professional Panel on Digital Archives


Event date: Tuesday January 24, 2017 5:30 PM-7:30 PM


Location: Bissell 520


Announcement link: https://www.facebook.com/events/144399212723645/

Website link: https://www.facebook.com/ACAUofT/


The ACA student chapter is hosting a professional panel and networking event with guest speakers who will discuss and answer questions about their careers as archivists and information professionals. Speakers include Anna St. Onge (Clara Thomas Archives, York University), Grant Hurley (University of Toronto Libraries), Emily Sommers (UTARMS), and Kathryn Lee (CBC). Light refreshments will be served.



  1. The iguana blog’s first meeting of 2017!


Event date: Monday January 25, 2016 4:00 PM


Location: The student lounge, BL705


Announcement link: https://www.facebook.com/theiguanablog/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED&fref=nf

Website link: https://ischooliguana.wordpress.com/


Happy New Year From the Iguana Team! This semester, we are re-launching our blog with new ideas and innovations, and we are looking for new contributors! If you have an idea for a column, are curious about submitting a blog post, or have any ideas about the Iguana in 2017, please come to our first meeting! THERE WILL BE FOOD! We hope to see you there!



  1. Call for Study Participants – on Studio307 Usage and Experience


Students are invited to contribute to a MI thesis research project on Semaphore Studio307 by participating in a ~2hr interview. The research and interview will be conducted by Jess Whyte, an MI student in the Faculty of Information.


If you are interested in participating in a ~2hr interview between now and Jan 30, 2017, please read the brief research description below and contact Jess directly at jessica.whyte@mail.utoronto.ca. Student participants will be thanked with $30 as compensation for their time.


Jess is hoping to understand people’s experiences of makerspaces and is focusing her research on Studio307. She’s looking for participants who have used the space at least once. Participants can stop being in the study at any time during the interview and afterwards up to two weeks from their interview date. This study has been reviewed and cleared by the University of Toronto Research Ethics Board.  Further questions about your rights as a participant in the study can be directed to the University of Toronto Office of Research Ethics by phone (416) 946-3273 or by email at ethics.review@utoronto.ca. You can also contact the research supervisor, Dr. Jenna Hartel by phone at (416) 978-3234 or by email at jenna.hartel@utoronto.ca.



Chelsea Misquith

President, 2016-2017

Master of Information Student Council

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